
Our Solutions


By Industry

  • Healthcare
  • Banking
  • Credit Unions
  • Airports
  • Energy (Utilities)
  • Insurance
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation (Airlines and others)
  • Publicly Traded Companies in the US

By Need

  • Attack Surface Management
  • Cyber Risk Management
  • Data Loss Prevention
  • Secure Remote Working
  • Zero Trust



Ellipse 6
You ask, we answer!

Most MSSPs provide simple tools, sometimes with a basic management service. At GLESEC, we don’t believe this is enough to protect your organization against the ever-growing range of cyber threats.

We provide an intelligent combination of technology, management, and professional services tailored to your specific needs and infrastructure. Our services deliver the most comprehensive protection available anywhere—at a much lower cost than building in-house.

Most organizations have too many tools but lack the time and skills to properly configure or manage them. This results in a false sense of security, while still consuming precious time and resources.

GLESEC combines leading technologies with comprehensive managed and professional services to address your real business needs: easier compliance, accurate risk management, and greater resilience to cyberattacks.

We can do almost everything on your behalf - including responding to security incidents  - based on pre-agreed rules of engagement. In a few cases, such as patching vulnerabilities in IT infrastructure, we provide full guidance and support to help your in-house team take the necessary steps.

For organizations with established incident response capabilities, we adapt our services to best support your existing personnel and workflows.

How can we help?

Contact us today for more information on our services and security solutions.

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